Germany and UK leaders fret over potential Opel job cuts

The potential takeover of Opel by France's Groupe PSA could have major ramifications for car manufacturing plants in Germany and the UK.

a micro focus

Armenia finance minister seeks to move on from macro stability

Since 2014, Armenia has had to contend with currency depreciation, tumbling remittances and the impact of tensions between Russia and Europe. Finance minister Vardan Aramyan tells Courtney Fingar that now the country has achieved macro stability, it is planning micro-level reforms.

Investors spooked by Le Pen

Following political upsets such as Brexit and the US election outcome, investors are braced for the possibility that far-right candidate Marine Le Pen could become the next French president – dealing the EU yet another body blow. Timothy Conley reports.

Switzerland to keep corporate tax breaks for multinationals

Swiss government proposals to withdraw tax breaks for multinationals have been defeated, with 59% of voters opposed to the changes. Timothy Conley reports

the location game

Maribor mayor looks to take advantage of location benefits

Maribor, Slovenia’s second city, is making the most of its proximity to key European and Balkan markets, as its mayor tells Michal Kaczmarski.

right idea

Right idea, wrong place? The hurdles facing tech entrepreneurs in pariah states

Operating a tech start-up in a country hit by sanctions or a negative international image is not easy. Attracting investment is harder still. Michal Kaczmarski speaks to those on both sides of the divide.

bilbao's big

Bilbao mayor looks to build on smart technology

Hit by high unemployment levels among its younger population, Bilbao's mayor, Juan Maria Aburto, tells Courtney Fingar how the city is looking to the digital sector and tourism to reverse its fortunes.

french cities

French cities eye potential Brexit spoils

More than six months after the Brexit referendum, the precise conditions under which the UK will leave the EU remain unknown. This has not deterred France from going after new business opportunities, however, and investment agencies around the country are working on plans to attract more UK-based companies. Cecile Sourbes reports. 

View from Europe: Tech disrupters move into property

Technology has moved into the property space, but as they change how the property business functions, can ‘disruptive’ start-ups find answers to property problems such as affordability and sustainability?

wallonia's property

Wallonia's property pick-up

Thanks to imminent legislation, Belgium’s Wallonia region looks set to become more attractive for real estate investors. Wendy Atkins reports.

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