adding value

Chamber of Commerce president looks to add value to Düsseldorf's offering

Its central location has helped attract foreign investors to Düsseldorf, but proactive measures such as creating a one-stop shop for Chinese investors are crucial to spread the word, Andreas Schmitz, the president of the Düsseldorf Chamber of Commerce, tells Wendy Atkins.

a taste of asia

How Düsseldorf offers a taste of Asia in Germany

Düsseldorf has been a popular destination for Japanese businesses wanting to set up a European base since the 1980s, and more recently Chinese companies have followed suit. Wendy Atkins looks at what the city offers investors from the Far East as well as the rest of the globe.

Has e-commerce finally clicked in Italy?

E-commerce is finally taking off in Italy, with foreign players taking the lead. Emanuele Schibotto looks at what is behind this exciting yet largely unnoticed turn of events.

a warm welcome

Düsseldorf lays out the welcome mat for overseas workers

One of Düsseldorf's key focuses is in providing a high quality of life for both its citizens and overseas workers. Wendy Atkins reports on the progress it is making.

making the numbers

Ukraine’s national bank governor talks targets

Valeria Gontareva, who will leave her post as the governor of the National Bank of Ukraine in May 2017, tells Stefanie Linhardt how foreign exchange intervention and a floating exchange rate are helping the bank meet its ambitious targets.

a full house

Could Düsseldorf’s property market fall victim to its own success?

While Düsseldorf’s real estate market is attracting investment and helping to drive urban renewal in the city, some observers fear the redevelopment of business premises into residential areas will push out manufacturing and office space. Wendy Atkins reports.

ukraines banks seek

Ukraine's banking sector seeks a new normal

Recent years have seen a shake-up of Ukraine’s banking sector that has halved the number of institutions in the country  and culminated in the nationalisation of its largest lender, Privatbank. Yet challenges remain, with more casualties likely as small and Russian state-owned banks come under scrutiny. Stefanie Linhardt reports.

Inside fDi: the power of the passport

Break out the warm beer and fish and chips, Courtney Fingar is a British citizen. However, she writes, the move was motivated by the uncertainty created by Brexit – concerns that will be echoed by a number of foreign companies that have invested in the UK.

crunch time for

Ukraine's obstacle-laden path to progress

Ukraine greeted 2017 with cautious optimism, as its GDP ticked up and a banking sector shake-up proved successful. Now a blockade of the separatist east threatens to stall economic recovery, while political complications could slow the reforms crucial to attracting investment. Stefanie Linhardt reports.

May in Birmingham

Birmingham builds for HS2 bonanza

A number of office developments have popped up around Birmingham and the West Midlands in recent years as companies become increasingly tempted by the area’s young, skilled workforce and lower costs. Now, with the launch of HS2 fixed firmly on the horizon, the region’s offering looks set to become even more enticing. Jacopo Dettoni reports.

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