gibraltar stands

Chief minister explains why Brexit will not rock Gibraltar

Although Gibraltar voted overwhelmingly to remain in the EU in the 2016 UK referendum, the British overseas territory pragmatically prepared in advance for a Brexit outcome, says chief minister Fabian Picardo. He tells Wendy Atkins why he is optimistic about future opportunities.

portugal makes the

Portugal's long-term education strategy pays off

Portugal’s long-term educational policies are paying dividends, with a high proportion of young people speaking more than one language and even sporting a master's degree. This in turn is attracting international companies and creating conditions that could lure many overseas Portuguese back. Courtney Fingar reports.

brexit the UK

Brexit, the UK and FDI: one year on

FDI into the UK has dropped in the year since the Brexit referendum. Jacopo Dettoni assesses how foreign and outward-looking domestic businesses are coping with the uncertainty that the vote has created.

france strikes back

France strikes back: optimism abounds as Macron takes the helm

Emmanuel Macron’s election victory brought equal measures of relief and optimism in France, for keeping the far right at bay and pledging economic growth. But the necessary reforms will entail taking on the powerful unions, which could test the new president’s popularity – and resolve – to the limit. Natasha Turak reports.

Inside fDi: A 2016 survival guide, FDI-style

The latest fDi Report, examining crossborder statistics and trends from 2016, tells a largely positive story for global greenfield investment. However, as Courtney Fingar explains, the more tumultuous events of the year may take some time to show their full impact.

Island economies logo 2017-18

fDi’s Island Economies of the Future 2017/18 – Sri Lanka takes the summit

Sri Lanka has been named fDi’s Island Economy of the Future for 2017/18, with Cyprus and the Dominican Republic ranking second and third. Cathy Mullan reports.

fDi's Island Economies of the Future 2017/18: FDI Strategy

A look at the FDI strategies of a number of leading island economies: Barbados, Cyprus, Dominica, Jamaica, Saint Lucia and Trinidad and Tobago.

UK less attractive for wealth funds post-Brexit

The UK’s scheduled departure from the EU has dented its popularity with sovereign wealth funds, according to Invesco. Natasha Turak reports.

Macron warned on Labour reform

France’s new president faces union opposition to his labour reforms. Natasha Turak reports.

Tough labour reforms to test Macron presidency

After the euphoria of election dies down, French president Emmanuel Macron is likely to face a serious challenge from the unions when he tries to reform the labour law as promised. Natasha Turak reports.

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